Three Things You Need To Know About Keeping Fungal Pathogens Out Of Your Lawn


If you're like most modern homeowners, you love the feeling of soft, velvety green grass beneath bare feet during a warm day in summer ā€” yet you really dislike the feeling your get when you step on something slick and slimy hidden in your lawn. Yet, this scenario is all too often the case with those who've allowed fungal pathogens to gain a foothold in their yard and garden areas. If you'd like to avoid fungal infestations in your yard, read on for tips and tricks designed to keep your outdoor living space fungus-free.

Don't Overwater

Overly damp conditions are one of the biggest culprits when it comes to fungal pathogen colonies setting up shop in your lawn and garden. The average lawn one requires one inch of water per week during average summer temperatures, and anything more puts you at risk for creating conditions in which fungal pathogens thrive. 

It's also important to water your lawn during the right time of day. For instance, if you water your lawn during the evening, that creates the kind of damp overnight conditions that fungal organisms love. Water your lawn in the morning or early enough in the afternoon so that the surface water evaporates before nightfall. 

Keep it Clean 

Fungus loves dark, dank environments such as under leaf piles, inside overgrown brush, and anywhere with decomposing vegetative matter. Keeping leaves raked and making sure shrubs and herbaceous perennials are properly pruned and cleaned up goes a long way toward keeping fungal pests at bay. They particularly like rotting wood, so be sure to remove any stumps or other dead tree material in a timely fashion. Keep in mind that it's a lot easier to prevent fungal pathogens from getting a foothold in the first place as it is to eradicate them once they're established a strong presence in your lawn and garden area. 

Install a Yard Drainage System

Yards lacking proper drainage systems run the risk of becoming prime environments for colonies of fungal pathogens, particularly if your lawn and garden area has low-lying spots where precipitation runoff tends to pool. Besides creating an optimal environment for fungi, stagnant water also attracts certain insect pest such as mosquitoes. Yard drainage solutions vary by individual conditions and circumstances and usually depend on the severity of the problem. Your local landscaping professional can provide you with more information on drainage and other issues pertinent to maintaining a healthy and attractive outdoor living space. 


18 March 2019

Talking About Landscaping Techniques and Tools

Hello, Iā€™m Donna. Welcome. I am excited to share my passion for landscaping with you all. I regularly change the layout of my garden, depending on the plants I want to grow each year. I keep my garden beds full of flowers and edible plants to have a variety of vegetation to enjoy. I would like to use this site to cover all of those varieties and talk about the growing techniques and supplies that work best for each option. I invite you to visit daily to learn the information you need to help your garden grow. Thanks for visiting my site.